Well they say that a week is a long time in politics – it certainly has been this week. So I thought I would throw in my views for what they are worth!
Europe – I have always regarded myself as generally pro the European ideal but admit to voting leave. My main reason was the complete lack of any real democratic accountability, and the clear view of the those at the centre of European power that they can ignore the concerns and wishes of the millions of people they are employed to represent.
Just as the current EU bears no relation to the free trade area we originally voted for, there can be no doubt that an In vote would have resulted in us being tied to an organisation which was set to become larger, more controlling and unified without adequate democratic controls in place. The view of the “powers to be” was demonstrated by their complete failure to give David Cameron any meaningful concessions during the pre referendum negotiations in apparent ignorance of the tide of anti EU feeling sweeping across the continent, and then being surprised at the resulting outcome.
Notwithstanding my own vote (and my immediate family was split down the middle on the issue) I was surprised and, at least for the short term, a little apprehensive when I woke to discover the result.
David Cameron – I don’t believe that he should have resigned. He fought an election campaign offering a referendum and must have anticipated the possibility of a leave vote. If it was a wholly unacceptable option then why agree to a referendum in the first place. He was elected to do a job and should using his experience in leading the country through the challenging negotiations yet to come. One of my family described his resignation speech as akin to a child throwing its toys out of a pram. If he cares as much about the country as he says, and I am sure he does, then how does he think the uncertainty of a change of leadership will help the situation.
Labour – I get that large parts of the parliamentary party think that Corbyn is an electoral liability. However this is hardly a new revelation. I fail to see how it helps anyone to precipite this crisis in the leadership of the main opposition party at this challenging time. If Labour MPs did not want him then why not all resign en mass earlier?
Westminster – will some of our MP’s ever get it? The public have been making their distaste with some of the attitudes adopted by the “Establishment” increasingly clear. So now, at a difficult time when our politicians should be working together to stabilise the markets and forge an exit from the EU is a constructive way which works to the benefit of the UK and our former partners, what are they doing? Concentrating on in fighting and leadership elections and point scoring. The irony is that one of the outcomes of the referendum is to give our MPs proper control of our destiny so isn’t it about time they started stepping up to the plate.
Scotland – it was inevitable that whatever the outcome the SNP would try to manipulate the position to support their ongoing calls for independence. This is hardly a surprise as it is their raison d’être. However if my maths are correct, and if you take the percentage of Scottish voters who actually bothered to vote in the referendum, it demonstrates that about 4 in 10 of the overall Scottish electorate voted to remain. I appreciate that elections are correctly decided on the votes of those who bother to turn up, but if the SNP is now claiming that Scotland is massively committed to staying in Europe how do they explain that only about 4 in 10 of them bothered to vote remain.
They also fail to comment on the fact that the practicality of Independence was based not on Scotland continuing to receive the oil income being generated at that time, but o a massive increase in oil income. In reality oil receipts have gone through the floor. The case for independence as previously outlined in not economically viable – unless they are hoping that rather being subsidised by the rest of the UK they will rely on handouts from the EU!