I suppose there was an element of inevitability in the news that former Conservative, former Independent, and then former Conservative again, Southend councillor Roger Weaver would join UKIP in his ever more desperate attempt to find a possible council seat.
Roger, ably supported by his wife and former councillor Verina, was a good mayor and capable cabinet member before throwing his toys out of the pram in dramatic fashion when he lost to Anna Waite in a Conservative group vote to replace Howard Briggs as group and council leader.
Helping to demonstrate why the decision was right Roger resigned from the party in pique and pulling Verina with him became “Independent” which subsequently developed into the current Independent Party. I suppose it is one solution – if one group reject you as leader form your own group so that you can elect yourself!
Perhaps Roger was attracted by the recent activities of James Moyies who has struggled with his own rejection as potential UKIP parliamentary candidate for Rochford and Southend East and has also been conducting certain toy throwing.
I remain surprised at those who choose to be involved in politics at any level and put themselves forward for election but then cannot accept losing with an element of good grace. If you can’t bear to lose then it is probably best not to put your name forward in the first place. If they had won I suspect they would have expected a greater level of cooperation from the unsuccessful candidates then they have demonstrated.
As a staunch Conservative for so many years I am interested to see how Roger will suggest that as a potential UKIP councillor he has something new and different to offer. If his bid for a seat fails I will watch with interest to see which colour rosette he wears next!
Some of us see ourselves as attempting to serve our community; the Referees' Association "service before self" could and should apply here. Aside from his seemingly affronted ego, he does rather give the impression of being inconsistent in his views. I am guided by my ideology, which I know does not appeal to everyone - but at least they know where I stand on issues. Mr Weaver looks like someone hunting for the easiest flag of convenience. He is not unique in this, and I hope you will continue to out others.