Friday, 17 April 2015

Nelson Street

Some weeks ago I commented on the fiasco relating to the proposed resurfacing work in Nelson Street which, after my intervention, resulted in a constructive response from council officers. It did strike me at the time that I was doing the job for which the relevant portfolio holder is financially rewarded.

Having removed the parking suspension until shortly before the works were due to commence the initial chaos was stopped.

THe resurfacing was then rescheduled for 26th March and was completed with a great improvement to the road and with the parking bays remarked.

However having apparently finished the resurfacing, work then started on widening the footways with replacement kerbs and footways. This is estimated to take some weeks and indeed after the first couple of weeks there is still someway to go to complete the eastern pavement.

What has left me confused is why carry out the resurfacing before the widening of the footways as inevitably this has led to areas to the side of the road being dug up. This confusion has turned to amazement this morning as a significant part of the top surface of the newly resurfaced road has today been scrapped up as is demonstarted by the above photo which was taken part way through the work.

Why take up a newly laid surface which is not in the area of the footway widening and once again why resurface before the other works were complete?

I do not criticise the apparent ability of the workforce or the quality of the work but surely significant sums could have been saved by rescheduling the order of the works.

Who is responsible? It is relevant cabinet member and Independent Party Leader Martin Terry. Questions need to be asked and if money is being wasted I am sure that Cllr Terry will do the decent thing and resign. He was always the first when in opposition to whinge about unnecessary expenditure so let us judge him by his actions rather than his words.

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