Friday, 4 February 2011

Airport decision

So after a delay of many months we have received the decision of a High Court judge on the legally aided application for a judicial review on the airport runway planning application. His view is that none of the the claimant (Laura Millard) grounds for a judicial review are arguable and the application has therefore been rejected.It is pleasing that the Judge has justified the process adopted by the Council although perhaps not surprising bearing in mind that great effort that was taken to ensure that the application was dealt with in a proper manner. The process was also reviewed and approved by the then Secretary of State. No doubt SAEN will press for a review of the decision and then there remains the issue of a possible appeal. My view remains that the sooner the Council moves forward to debate whether or not to agree to a variation to the lease to allow a runway extension to be built the better. The real decision is should the airport be allowed to expand as it wishes but with a strong package of enviromental controls or be forced to operate on its current runway without adequate enviromental controls. As a resident of Leigh I know which I would prefer. In the meantime the airport needs to be able to plan its future activities and generate employment whilst resident need the longstanding issue to be resolved once and for all.

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